Nature Therapy and Somatic Coaching (Eco-Somatics)

with Hannah McNeilly, MD, PhD

About Me: From the Clinic into the Forest

In the beginning, I studied medicine in Berlin, Germany, and worked clinically and in research. I had chosen this path to understand what life is, what causes suffering, how people heal, and how I could contribute to their health. But after two years of working as a doctor, the market-oriented system, the rushed interactions with my patients, and the high pressure of the job were grinding me down. I felt far away from what had drawn me to medicine in the first place. I felt stressed, disconnected, and lifeless. And I knew I was on a path towards burnout if I did not make big changes in my life.

I packed my bags and moved to Scotland to become a medical anthropologist. This bold shift led me to conduct research on Afro-Brazilian religious healing (Candomblé) in the Atlantic rainforest for a PhD in Social Anthropology. It was bliss! Finally, I could work on the big questions about the social roots of suffering, ritual performance, and collective practices of care. However, the realities of working as a university lecturer and researcher turned out to be exhausting as well - exacerbated by the pandemic lockdown with my young family.

During the pandemic, I started training in Somatics and Forest Therapy. Tuning into nature and into my body was a different kind of adventure, one that energised me even in difficult times. My practice now brings together what I have learned about health, healing, resting, and care in over 20 years of work in medicine and academia - and in life beyond institutions.

Formal qualifications:

Forest Bathing Guide and Forest Therapy Practitioner, FT Hub 2023

Somatic Movement Trainer, Institute for Physio-Mental Development 2023

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, University of Edinburgh 2021

PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh 2017

MSc in Medical Anthropology, University of Edinburgh 2012

Medical Doctor (MD/, Charite Medical School Berlin 2010