What others said after working with me

“I wanted to let you know that I am feeling much better, thanks to your wonderful intervention, your sympathetic ear, and your supportive words. Today I finally went for a longer run again, and I could write my paper with much more calmness. A thousand thank yous!!!” (Philine, Psychiatrist and Senior Researcher)

"I really enjoyed experiencing your coaching! It was very different to other types of coaching I've had. I really liked the focus on the body and how you guided me to feel into sensations and movements to work through feelings, rather than focusing on the stories and words around these emotions.

“I was very much in my head before the session and overthinking things. The movements I came to in the coaching session really helped me in the following days with a challenging meeting that I had, and I felt much more positive and open going into it which helped with the outcome." (Sarah, Transformational Coach)

“I really enjoyed not having to complete any tasks, not working on a ToDo list, not following pilates instructions on Youtube, but to only be guided by my body and intuition. That was interesting and something special, as in my everyday life there basically never is time for “just being”. And that literally grounded me and gave me more stability and serenity.” (Marlene, Paediatrician)

“I liked the way that you spoke and offered possibilities. There wasn’t the sense of ‘do this’ but rather a ‘what if this or what if that’, which allowed me to listen to my own body in a way that I was very unaccustomed to doing, because I had never really done that before in that way.

“The way that I was able to move changed. I went from a sort of stretching against or pushing against, which I think was a way of looking for strength in my body, rather than looking for its softness or its flow. And your prompts and thinking of the tides and the wind brought me into more flow.” (Koreen, Assistant Professor)

“A heartfelt thank you again for the wonderful session, dear Hannah. It did me very well and came at the exact right time.” (Leena, Gestalt Therapist)

“I found the movement part of the sessions helpful as I could feel the flow coming back into my body as we swayed, walked and even found stillness but had our hands to provide awareness of the slight motion / balance my body was doing.

“Hannah was helpful in bringing gentle awareness to parts of the body that needed a little more attention than we tend to give in our work days. The pause that Hannah provided was something I didn't know I needed but it gave me a language to use when speaking to my body to check in on its needs. There was more harmony in mind and body.” (Luna, Career Coach)